1141 Catalina Drive, PMB #270
Livermore, CA 94550
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Selected Papers/Presentations & Simulation videos:
Poster Presentation from 2013 Lunar Science Forum (virtual workshop) describing the simulations in the following videos (pdf) "Micro Gravity Screw Conveying: Robust and Efficient. Is This Possible?"
Vertical Screw Conveyor
"Simulation of vertical 0.75in dia screw conveyor, "
"Sliced image of vertical 0.75in dia screw conveyor, "
"Review of Adhesion Fundamentals for Micron-Scale Particles (pdf)" OR Walton, KONA Powder and Particle Journal No.26, 129-141(2008)
"Effects of Interparticle Friction and Particle Shape on Dynamic Angles of Repose via Particle-Dynamics Simulation, (pdf)" OR Walton, Workshop on Mechanics & Stat. Phys. of Particulate Mat'l, (1994) La Jolla, CA
Grainflow Dynamics
"Simulation of cohesive powder flow in a rotating drum, "
200 micron particles each particle represented as a small clusters of 8 smaller (100-micron) spheres
in a cubical geometry. Cohesive pull-off force set to ~1% of theoretical
van der Waals force for 200mJ/m^2 surface energy. Periodic boundaries along axis.
Colors are for visualization convenience only. (July 2008).
[click on title or figure above to download Quick-Time mov (~14Mb)]
Grainflow Dynamics
"Simulation of cohesive powder flow in a rotating drum under Lunar gravity conditions, "
(July 2008).
[click on title or figure above to download Quick-Time mov (~14Mb)]
Grainflow Dynamics
"Simulation of weak powder flow in a rotating drum, "
200 micron particles each particle represented as a small clusters of 8 smaller (100-micron) spheres
in a cubical geometry.
Grainflow Dynamics
"Simulation of weakly-cohesive powder flow in a rotating drum under Lunar gravity conditions, "
(July 2008).
[click on title or figure above to download Quick-Time mov (~14Mb)]
Grainflow Dynamics
"Simulation of very cohesive powder flow in co-axial rotating drums, "
600 micron particles each particle represented as a small clusters of 8 smaller (300-micron) spheres
in a cubical geometry. Cohesive pull-off force set to 25e-6N, approximately equal to theoretical
van der Waals force for 18mJ/m^2 surface energy. Periodic boundaries along axis.
Colors are for visualization convenience only. (April 2009).
[click on title or figure above to download Quick-Time mov (~20Mb)]
Selected Publications:
Walton, O.R.
"Dust-Off 2005 a.k.a. 'Dunes Bury' USA,"
Grainflow Dynamics informal report, NASA contract NNM05AA88C, Oct 2005.
[click on title or figure above to download pdf (~650Kb)]
Walton, O.R., C.P. De Moor, and K.S. Gill
"Effects of gravity on cohesive behavior of fine powders:
implications for processing Lunar regolith,"
Preprint: Granular Matter (to appear 2007)
[click on title or any figure above to download pdf (~930Kb)]
Walton, Otis R., "Potential discrete element
simulation applications ranging from airborne fines to pellet beds,"
SAE 2004 Transactions J. Aerospace paper 2004-01-2329
[click on title or any figure above to download pdf (~413Kb)]
Walton, O.R., and R.L. Braun,
"Simulation of Rotary-Drum and Repose Tests for Frictional Spheres and Rigid Sphere Clusters,"
Joint DOE/NSF Workshop on Flow of Particulates and Fluids Sept. 29 - Oct. 1, 1993,
Ithaca, NY [click on title or figure above to download pdf (~4Mb)]
Walton, O.R.,
"Numerical simulation of inclined chute flows of monodisperse, inelastic, frictional spheres,"
Mechanics of Materials 16 (1993) 239-247. [click on title or figure above for pdf
Walton, O.R.
"Chapter 25: Numerical Simulation of Inelastic Frictional Particle-Particle-Interactions,"
Particulate Two-Phase Flow M.C. Roco, ed., Butterworth-Heinemann, 1993,
Stoneham, MA [click on title or figure above to download pdf (~5.4Mb)]
[click on figure above for large mpg file (~90MB) of simulation from NEPTIS-1 of small spheres flowing through an fcc array of large spheres] or on .avi or .mov symbol below for other formats of same video.
Walton, O.R.,
"Simulation of Gravity Flow and Packing of Spheres,"
Nisshin Eng. Powder Tech. Int'l Seminar (NEPTIS-1) Osaka, Japan (1993). [click on title or figure above for pdf
Walton, O.R., D.M. Maddix, T.R. Butkovich, and F.E. Heuze
"Redirection of Dynamic Compressive Waves in Materials with Nearly Orthogonal and Random Joint Sets,"
AMD Vol. 117 p65-73, Recent Advances in Mechanics of Structured Continua M. Massoudi and K.R. Rajagopal, ed., ASME, 1991
[click on title or figure above to download pdf (~660Kb)]